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Table 3 Modality and settings for awareness raising during the point-of-care testing device implementation

From: Co-creation process of an intervention to implement a multiparameter point-of-care testing device in a primary healthcare setting for non-communicable diseases in Peru

Regional decision-makers

Urban setting

Rural setting


Primary healthcare workers


Primary healthcare workers



1. Social networks

5. Door to door

4. Billboards

3. Megaphone advertising

1. Social networks

2. Local TV and radio

6. Flyer

6. Flyer

1. Social networks

3 Megaphone advertising

3. Megaphone advertising

3. Megaphone advertising

3. Megaphone advertising

5. Door to door

4. Billboards

4. Billboards

4. Billboards


6. Calls

6. Flyer



1. Markets

1. Markets

2. Healthcare centre

2. Healthcare centre

2. Healthcare centre

2. Healthcare centre

2. Healthcare centre

6. Churches

1. Markets

5. Municipality

3. Schools

4. Malls

7. Square/ Park

5. Municipality

6. Churches

4. Malls

5. Municipality

5. Municipality

6. Churches

3. Schools