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Table 2 Advantages and disadvantages for each possible point-of-care testing devices device location

From: Co-creation process of an intervention to implement a multiparameter point-of-care testing device in a primary healthcare setting for non-communicable diseases in Peru





Personnel trained in sampling, more experienced in the use of similar equipment.

Faster patient flow.

Supplies available in the laboratory.

Safe place for equipment.

Access to the laboratory is always available by the staff.

There is already a queue to attend.

Limited space.

There are shifts without assigned personnel.

Doctor office

Immediate diagnostic opportunity.

Trust in the doctor.

The patient would be attended in a single consultation even if it takes longer.

It would improve the flow with someone in the office to take the samples.

More time spent by the doctor.

Possible refusal of the doctor to perform the procedure.

It would delay the care of other patients.

Doctors are not trained in taking blood samples.

Some doctors are not friendly with their patients


It would help attract more patients.

Patients would enter a medical consultation with their current results.

Equipment insecurity: risk of falls, theft.

Staff time is limited.

Personnel not trained in taking blood samples.

Staff usually perform other functions in addition to triage.


It would give greater coverage of the most remote population.

Reach places without a fixed laboratory.

Useful in medical campaigns, screening campaigns and other events.

Equipment insecurity: risk of falls, theft.

Distrust of the accuracy of the results.

May be affected by environmental conditions.

There are no continuous activities, only sporadic medical campaigns.


Quick attention and immediate results.

Useful for management of severe patients.

*No disadvantages mentioned.