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Table 2 Characteristics of the studies included in the review, according to author, title, year of publication, country, objectives, outcomes and methodological quality, Brazil, 2023 (n = 7)

From: Non-violent communication as a technology in interpersonal relationships in health work: a scoping review

Authors/ Title




Study design/ Sample/ Scenario


Methodological Quality

Tobase L, Cardoso SH,

Rodrigues RTF, Bella CPM,

Souza DR, Peres HHC [10]

Non-violent communication as a light technology in the nursing context: an integrative review.



Verify how NVC is applied in Nursing and understand the repercussions for professionals and the organization

Review study

Sample: five studies

Scenario: hospitals and other health services

NVC is seen as a strategy for tackling bullying, managing interpersonal conflicts and improving working relationships in healthcare environments.


Cleary M, Walter G, Horsfall J, Jackson D [11]

Promoting integrity in the workplace: A priority for all academic health professionals.


United States of America.

Reflect on the concept of integrity in healthcare workplaces and academic environments


Sample: n/a*

Scenario: n/a*

Leaders, managers and educators should encourage the use of constructive NVC to guarantee work environments with dignity, mutual respect and an improved organizational climate.


Kim H, Jo HK [12]

Effects of a Nonviolent Communication Program on Nursing Students.


South Korea

To investigate the effect of NVC in promoting the communicatio n skills of nursing students.

Experimental study

Sample: 117 participants

Scenario: two universities

A NVC training program with nursing students showed an improvement in interpersonal relationships, a reduction in negative feelings such as anger, improved communication and increased empathy, facilitating teamwork.


Rosemberg M, Molho P[13]

Nonviolent (empathic) communica tion for health care providers.



Introduce health workers to tools for restoring effective, shared and satisfactory communicatio n.


Sample: n/a*

Scenario: n/a*

NVC is a technology that makes it possible to resolve conflicts between work teams, reduce emotional exhaustion, competition and interpersonal coercion and improve productivity with less physical and emotional damage to healthcare workers.


Museux AC, Dumont S, Careau E, Milot E [14]

Improving interprofess ional collaboratio n: The effect of training in nonviolent communica tion.



To examine the effects of NVC training on the interprofessional collaboration of health and social services teams.

Mixed study

Sample: nine participants

Scenario: health and social services

NVC training promoted individual skills (such as leadership, communication, teamwork) and improved empathy in the workplace.


Prata LMGM, Santos EP, Polido RAF, Souza AC [15]

Making waves for the qualification of Basic Health Unit managers



Reporting on the experience of a training course for managers of Basic Health Units on clinical and care management.

Experience report

Sample: n/a*

Scenario: Basic Health Units

Learning about the NVC technique facilitated the management of the clinic and care by managers of Basic Health Units, proving to be a successful tool that supported micro-political actions, such as conflict management between workers, more productive team meetings and improved multi/interprofessional performance.


Richeson WM [16]

Nonviolent communica tion as an interperson al medical- discourses genre: na educational intervention and discourse analysis in thai medical communication.



Testing an educational intervention for doctors in conflict resolution

Experimental study

Sample: 59 participants

Scenario: n/a*

An educational intervention on NVC led to greater expression of affections by doctors, reduced their conflicts and provided more harmonious working environments.


  1. *n/a = not available