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Table 2 Suggestions for further research

From: The complexity of leadership in coproduction practices: a guiding framework based on a systematic literature review


Future research agenda

People and roles

- Studies on people currently obscure in current studies such as politicians, community leaders, citizens, and users

Models of leadership

- Studies on the emergence of collective leadership

- Observation studies focussing on interactions where power and leadership emerge and are negotiated in real time, to illuminate collective coproduction leadership processes

- Studies on sense-making of leadership and coproduction

- Research based on collective leadership theories

- Studies to explore a ‘good’ balance of strong and directive leadership with facilitative and shared leadership

Practices of leading coproduction

- Observational studies of leadership practices, barriers and facilitators

- Qualitative longitudinal studies on the evolution and sequencing of different leadership theories and practices over time

- Designing and testing different practices

- Case studies focussing on training and development in the leadership and management of coproduction in the context of the system for all peoples

- Participatory research methods like action research and interactive research (based on partnerships between researchers, patient/citizens and professional service organisations in knowledge coproduction)

- Theories of systems thinking, social network theory, and complex adaptive systems theory as providing new perspectives

- Investigating collective leadership practices through the lens of models such as relational leadership, and the Direction, Alignment and Commitment (DAC) model [11]