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Table 2 Demographic data and clinical features of the patients admitted to the intensive care unit (n = 117) and the respondents of the survey

From: Identification of quality gaps in healthcare services using the SERVQUAL instrument and importance-performance analysis in medical intensive care: a prospective study at a medical center in Taiwan




 Gender, male (%)

73 (62.4%)

 Age (years)

65.9 (33–91)

 APACHE II score on ICU admission

24.0 (5–47)

 APACHE II score at ICU discharge

15.6 (5–27)

 Respiratory failure on admission to the ICU

88 (75.2%)

 Ventilator use on ICU discharge

30 (25.6%)

 Survived to ICU discharge

90 (76.9%)

 Length of stay at the ICU

10.1 (1–62)


 Gender, male (%)

55 (47.0%)

 Age > 65 years

52.1 (20–88)

 Responder’s relation to the patient

  The patient himself or herself

16 (13.7%)


33 (28.2%)


46 (39.3%)


8 (6.8%)


1 (0.9%)


13 (11.1%)



42 (35.9%)


40 (34.2%)


25 (21.4%)


10 (8.5%)

An education level of college or higher

72 (61.5%)

The responder bed been living with the patient before this ICU admission

69 (59.0%)

The responder is a government employee

12 (10.3%)

The responder has a prior experience of family member admitted to an ICU

66 (56.4%)

  1. APACHE II Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II, ICU Intensive care unit