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Table 4 Reasons for discharge delays

From: Acute and transitional care or rehabilitation? Retrospective analysis of discharge planning from a municipal hospital in Switzerland

Reason for delay (n = 113)

Discharged to Rehab (n = 85)

Discharged to ATC (n = 28)

Missing cost approval

(n = 12)

(n = 12)

„Phone call from Rehab: they asked about the result of cost approval from insurance. Discharge will be delayed by Tuesday, when we will have the cost approval.”


No free place (n = 37)

(n = 36)

„Got cost approval for 14 days, but there is no free bed at the moment, only waiting list.”

(n = 1)

„Phone call with assistant physician: information that unfortunately the patient’s discharge will be delayed by next Wednesday.”

Medical issues (n = 51)

(n = 33)

„Phone call with assistant physician: discharge must be delayed by another day because of medical issues.”

(n = 18)

„Patient felt bad, todays planned discharge is cancelled. According to the assistant physician, discharge is possible by the end of the week.”

Social problems (n = 6)

(n = 2)

„Phone call with daughter: her daughter will be entering the same Rehab because of fatigue. The patient shouldn’t see her. We should, cancel Rehab without saying anything to patient. Phone call with assistance doctor: other Rehab has bed in 2.5 weeks, patient cannot stay till then.”

(n = 4)

„It turns out, that ATC is necessary. Wife reports, that recently patient is angry and aggressive, home care doesn’t help. Wife needs protection. After consultation with assistant physician, discharge is delayed to Tuesday.”

Other (n = 6)

(n = 2)

„Phone call from nurse: husband phoned Rehab, now they have a bed [by date], husband says that patient could stay till then. Phone call from assistant physician: no, that was never discussed like that, from medical point of view, patient is ready for discharge.”

(n = 4)

„Discussion with wife and patient in the afternoon: for both the discharge tomorrow is too early. Got assistant physician to talk [with patient and wife]: from medical point of view, discharge tomorrow is fine. Compromise: day after tomorrow.”

Two or more (n = 1)


(n = 1)

„Son puts pressure on Patient and daughter and uses violence. Discussion with patient, son and daughter: all agree that patient couldn’t go home, ATC is needed … According to nurse, patient fell during night and is now under permanent watch. Discharge uncertain.”