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Table 1 Suggestion of an understanding of health-related empowerment based on an adaptation of the EMPATHiE Network patient empowerment definition

From: A new understanding of health related empowerment in the context of an active and healthy ageing

(1) Empowered individuals have control over the management of their condition in daily life.

(2) They take action(s) to the extent that they wish to do so, to improve their health and the quality of their life.

(3) A necessary prerequisite is that they are health literate, i.e. have the knowledge and skills,

(4) and are conscious, self-aware and also determined to be involved

(5) and if needed to adjust their health-related behavior.

(6) Health-related empowerment interventions aim to equip individuals (and their caregivers whenever appropriate) with the capacity to collaborate in decisions related to the condition to the extent that they wish to do so;

(7) to stimulate “co-management” of the condition; by creating a more equal power relation between the individuals and their formal and informal caregivers;

(8) and to develop the individual’s self-confidence, self-esteem and coping skills,

(9) enabling them to manage the physical, emotional and social impacts of their condition(s) in everyday life.