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Table 2 Facilitators and Barriers to Delivery and Implementation

From: Extending alcohol brief advice into non-clinical community settings: a qualitative study of experiences and perceptions of delivery staff


Setting Specific


Community pharmacy

Community Health (range of site types)

Role legitimacy

- Role legitimacy less clear

+ Fits well with changing responsibilities of pharmacy and contractual arrangements

+Integration with other services (e.g. smoking cessation)

+Strong role legitimacy

+ Compatibility with raising awareness and marketing approaches

-Variability of roles

+Integrates with other services (e.g. MUR)

+Trusted health professional status and strong role legitimacy for pharmacists and healthy living champions

-Role legitimacy for other pharmacy staff more variable

Audience reach and engagement

+ Wide audience reach

+ Time available when waiting for prescriptions

+Flexibility of multiple sites and wide audience reach in targeted hard to reach areas

+ Information taken home for others

-High percentage of regular/repeat customers limits audience reach

-Variable reach of customer base and engagement

+Able to attend to wider range of social factors

+Some sites (e.g. café) more time for discussion

Level of information and materials

+ Appropriate training and materials for setting

+Materials encourage permission to ask for advice

+ Materials attract attention

+Displays, free giveaways and materials attract attention

-Additional “props” felt necessary

- Lack of flexibility to incorporate more creative local solutions

- Perceived insufficient training and knowledge can result in lack of confidence

Dealing with a sensitive topic within public spaces

- Not wanting to offend or embarrass

+Availability of private consultation room

+Support from wellbeing advisors available

-Public space - not engaging those most in need

+Availability of support from trained health professional for counter staff

+Trained in provision of healthy lifestyle advice

-Public space - not appropriate for dealing with sensitive

-Not wanting to offend or embarrass

- Public space - not engaging those most in need

topics or people upset

- Public space – not engaging those most in need

-Lack of privacy at counter

Familiarity with customer base

+ Existing relationships know customers well

+ Existing relationships – know customers well

+Know customers well (when integrated with other services)

- Public expecting food testing/giveaways

-Familiarity affects engagement when “private” topic

- Lack of time to develop trust

-Familiarity affects engagement when “private” topic

+Ability to follow progress of return customers

Dealing with a sensitive topic within public spaces

- Not wanting to offend or embarrass

+Availability of private consultation room + Availability of support from trained health professional for counter staff

+Support from wellbeing advisors available

-Public space - not engaging those most in need

+Trained in provision of healthy lifestyle advice

- Public space not appropriate for dealing with sensitive topics or people upset

-Not wanting to offend or embarrass

- Public space - not engaging those most in need

- Public space – not engaging those most in need

-Lack of privacy at counter

Physical spaces and environmental context

+ Cue to action – proximity to alcohol sales

+ seen as health-related space

+Flexibility and variability of delivery “sites”

- Conflict of interest – proximity to alcohol sales

-“busyness” of pharmacy setting

-External conditions in some sites (e.g. weather, noise)

Organisational context

+Dedicated staff time

+Existing links to other referral networks and services

+Volunteer training

-Working on own with no support

-Lack of dedicated staff time

+Links to local knowledge and other referral networks

-No existing links to or knowledge of other services

-Can conflict with other pharmacy priorities

+Dedicated staff time


- Health professional status can limit honest responses

-Variable organisational support and priorities

  1. Key: + = facilitator/advantage; − = barrier/disadvantage