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Table 3 Enabling factors and challenges for sustainable Primary Eye Care programme implementation in Rwanda

From: Process evaluation of a National Primary Eye Care Programme in Rwanda

Health system domain

Enabling Factors


Leadership and Governance

Commitment and support to PEC programme by Ministry of Health, with memorandum of understanding in place for delivery of PEC

Good engagement between VFAN and RMoH, and other eye sector stakeholders

The eye health technical working group can be strengthened

Healthcare Financing

PEC examination included in community health insurance coverage

External funding raised to support PEC and outreach activities

Cost of glasses can remain prohibitive for the poorest

Payments received for glasses

are held centrally rather than in health centres with no clear communication of plans for allocation

Health workforce

Integration of PEC curriculum into nursing schools

Turnover of PEC trained health centre nurses leaving gaps in provision of PEC clinics.

Supervision can be strengthened, with reports of inconsistency in frequency and purpose.

Competing priorities at health centres limits availability of nurses to provide PEC

Medical products and technologies

Inclusion of eye drops on essential medications list

Secured supply chain for non-prescription reading glasses and adjustable glasses.

Variable availability of eye drops and glasses can limit management options

Information and research

Integration of PEC indicators on health management information systems data, co-ordinated by RMoH.

Data is held centrally and access can be difficult.

Primary care data not routinely linked to secondary or tertiary care data, but collected locally by VFAN.

Service Delivery

Successful integration of PEC delivery into health centres

Interface between different levels of care could be strengthened – increase communication and feedback between primary and other levels of care.