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Table 3 Content analysis municipality B, Theme 2

From: Exploring physicians’ decision-making in hospital readmission processes - a comparative case study





T2: Lack of coordination, access to and continuity in the patient information flow

Information exchange

Lack of coordination between primary and secondary healthcare services

Communication between the municipal healthcare service and the hospital during hospital discharge, is not good enough

Inadequate access to patient information

Lack of adequate information exchange within the municipal healthcare service, and between the hospital and the municipal healthcare service

Medication- lists which are not up-to-date leads to additional work for the receiving physician

Status on resuscitation is not always clarified

Physicians baser their decisions on clinical assessments, the patients general condition and results from available measurements


Lack of continuity in the patient treatment

It is difficult to know about previous hospital admissions; if the patients’ medical problem is already known and how the patients coped after ended shift at the emergency room

Hospital admissions can become necessary because the nursing home physician don’t have the opportunity to do follow-ups during weekends and evenings at MEBUs