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Table 1 Descriptive demographic characteristics at baseline. Values are mean, standard deviation (SD) or number (%)

From: The effects of a pretreatment educational group programme on mental health treatment outcomes: a randomized controlled trial


IG (n = 45)

CG (n = 46)

Female, n (%)

29 (64)

35 (76)

Ethnicity (Norwegian)

43 (95.6%)

44 (95.7)

Mean age, y (SD)

38.36 (13.3)

37.09 (12.8)

Higher education, n (%)

11 (24%)

9 (19.6%)

Living with someone, n (%)

32 (54.2%)

27 (45.8%)

Employed, n (%)

9 (20%)

11 (23.9%)

Married, n (%)

27 (60%)

18 (40%)

Mean BASIS-32a (SD)

1.46 (0.7)

1.37 (0.5)

  1. aPatients mental health status was assessed by the BASIS-32. Scores can range from 0 to 4