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Table 2 Strategies for implementation of CPS, reported by pharmacists

From: Facilitators and strategies to implement clinical pharmacy services in a metropolis in Northeast Brazil: a qualitative approach


Accredited pharmacists

Non-accredited pharmacists

Local healthcare network

- Participating actively in the implementation process of CPS

- Ensuring minimum structural conditions

- Ensuring presence of pharmacy interns

- Participating actively in the implementation process of CPS

- Ensuring minimum structural conditions


- Performing the work process with attentive and careful attitude towards the patient

- Engaging in the CPS implementation process

- Acquiring the necessary support materials for CPS with one’s own resources

- Getting patients by active search

- Training pharmacy staff to perform logistic activities

- Sensitizing health team on CPS

- Sensitizing patients on CPS

- Delegating logistic activities to pharmacy staff

- Delegating patient recruitment to health team

- Reconciling logistic and clinical activities

- Disclosing the CPS

- Sensitizing the health team

- Getting patients for CPS

Implementation process of the CPS

- Adapting the CPS according to the workplace and patients’ health needs

- Selecting the pharmacists who will implement the CPS according to clinical profile

- Extending the time for CPS implementation
