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Table 2 PROs and Honest Disclosure of SU/MH – Provider Viewpoints

From: A qualitative study examining the benefits and challenges of incorporating patient-reported outcome substance use and mental health questionnaires into clinical practice to improve outcomes on the HIV care continuum

Qualitative Theme

Exemplar Quotation(s)

Less Willing to Honestly Disclose SU/MH with PROs

 Patient does not want provider to know about stigmatized behavior

“[It] worries me that they’re going to change their answers about substance abuse, alcohol, and adherence. At least many of them I think, don’t want to displease their doctors or don’t want to share everything with their doctors in as much detail, so once you start...telling the patients you’re telling their might change answers.” (Physician)

More Willing to Honestly Disclose SU/MH with PROs

 More honest with computer

“That’s my understanding is that the data seems to show that if people can self disclose and it’s with a computer, they’re more likely to be honest.” (Physician)

“Because those are like substance abuse, depression, obviously and a lot of time, patients won’t tell you and they would probably be more frank in answering it on the system would definitely help.” (Physician).