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Table 3 Incidence Rates of total number and days of unplanned hospitalizations and direct healthcare costs (in Euros) per 100 person/years and relative Incidence Rate Ratios in pre-inclusion period

From: The effects of the introduction of a chronic care model-based program on utilization of healthcare resources: the results of the Puglia care program


Puglia Care (95% CI)

Usual care (95% CI)

IRR (95% CI)

N° unplanned hospitalizations

12.1 (10.7–13.8)

11.7 (10.6–12.9)

1.04 (0.88–1.22)

Days of unplanned hospitalizations

87.8 (83.7–92.0)

94.2 (91.0–97.6)

0.93 (0.88–1.00)

Total cost of hospitalizations

86,189 (86060–86,319)

77,962 (77868–78,056)

1.10 (1.10–1.11)*

Cost of unplanned hospitalizations

42,458 (42367–42,549)

41,548 (41480–41,617)

1.02 (1.01–1.02)*

Cost of drugs

81,641 (81515–81,767)

67,868 (67780–67,956)

1.20 (1.20–1.20)*

Cost of out-patient specialistic visits

32,783 (32704–32,863)

33,243 (33182–33,305)

0.99 (0.98–0.99)*

  1. *p < 0.05