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Table 3 Conceptualization of therapeutic alliance

From: Characteristics of therapeutic alliance in musculoskeletal physiotherapy and occupational therapy practice: a scoping review of the literature






Therapeutic Alliance Themes

Chan et al., 2009 (10s)

aWhitlock et al. 5A’s framework of behaviour change

Existing literature on the self-determined motivation and engagement in health-promoting behavior.

bSelf-determination theory


1. Partnership

Communication style and exercise compliance in physiotherapy

2. Congruence

Levy et al., 2008 (30s)

cPhysiotherapist Psychological

3. Communication

4. Personalized therapy

Murray et al., 2015 (33 s)


B. Ask, Advise, Agree, Assist, Arrange

Chen et al., 1999 (13 s)

aCompliance and satisfaction with exercise

Existing literature and empirical study on compliance to home exercise in upper extremity rehabilitation

cModel of Human Occupation

1. Input

1. Communication

2. Output

2. Connectedness

cHealth locus of control

3. Environment

3. Partnership

4. The open system

4. Influencing factors

cHealth belief model

Gorenberg et al., 2014 (109 s)

aTherapeutic use of self

Conceptual practice model for occupational therapy focused on understanding therapeutic use of self.

cThe Intentional Relationship Model

1. Client

1. Connectedness

2. Interpersonal events

2. Roles and responsibilities

3. Practitioner

3. Partnership

4. Occupational engagement

4. Congruence

Harman et al., 2012 (63 s)

aBuilding blocks of health behavior change

Existing literature on, empirical studies about behaviour change and low back pain rehabilitation

cTranstheoretical model

1. Need for action

1. Connectedness

2. Solutions

2. Partnership

3. Support

cMotivational model of patient self-management

3. Reducing threat

4. Partnership

5. Congruence

Hinman et al., 2015 (65 s)

cModel of Health Change

Existing literature on motivational interviewing, solution-focused coaching and cognitive behavioural therapy.

cDimensions of health service delivery

1. Practice principles,

1. Connectedness

2. Essential techniques

2. Congruence

3. Step framework

Hurley et al., 2007 (66 s)

aUnderstanding of illness

Parallel processing framework with one arm dedicated to cognitive processing of internal and external stimulus and the processing of emotional aspects of that stimulus.

cLevanthal’s self-regulation model of illness

1. Identity

1. Connectedness

2. Timeline

2. Partnership

3. Consequence

3. Influencing factors

4. Cause

5. Control and cure

6. Illness coherence

Jackson et al., 2012 (25 s)

aTripartite efficacy framework in client-therapist rehabilitation interactions

Existing literature and empirical studies on efficacy beliefs

cTripartite efficacy model

1. Client-related factors

1. Connectedness

2. Role and responsibilities

2. Therapist related factors

bSelf-efficacy theory; relation-inferred self-efficacy

3. Personalized therapy

4. Emotional support

5. Communication

Jensen and Lorish, 1994 (26 s)

aBehavioral theory- based strategies for enhancing patient treatment cooperation and patient beliefs

Existing literature on compliance, decision-making, cognitive behavioral therapy and the explanatory model of exercise and mailed surveys to PTs

cProcess Model of collaboration

1. Therapeutic relationship

1. Connectedness

2. Problem solving

3. Negotiation

4. Mutual enquiry

Kidd et al., 2011 (68 s)

aPatient centred care

Existing literature and empirical studies on patient-centred care

cBiopsychosocial model

1. Ability to communicate

1. Connectedness

2. Understanding of people and ability to relate

2. Partnership

cPatients perception of a good physiotherapist

3. Knowledge and expertise

3. Influencing factors

4. Confidence

4. Communication

5. Transparent focus on progress and outcome

5. Role and responsibility

Knight et al., 2010 (29 s)

aClient Satisfaction

Existing literature on satisfaction, and physiotherapy and empirical study on patient satisfaction.

cConsumer model

1. Service

1. connectedness

2. Satisfaction

2. Influencing factors

3. Dissatisfaction

3. Partnership

4. Quality

4. Congruence

5. Reasons for seeking therapy

5. Communication

Neuman et al., 2009 (116 s)

cEffect model of empathic communication in clinical encounter

Existing literature and hypothesis on clinical empathy

cModel of empathic understanding and adherence to treatment regimens (nature)

1. Cognitive action oriented effects

1. Communication

2. Affective oriented effects

2. Partnership

Niederman et al., 2011 (34 s)

aPictorial Representation of Illness and Self Measure

Existing literature on stress, coping strategies and resource utilization

cHobfil’s resource conservation model

1. Self

1. Activating resources

bSocial learning theory

2. Resource

2. Treatment goals

3. Separation

cSelf management

Norby and Bellner, 1994 (76 s)

aDimensions of helping

Existing literature and empirical study on basic assumptions of occupational therapy

cTentative model of the helping encounter

1. Basic Professional-Oriented helping

1. Connectedness

2. Understanding-Oriented helping

2. Partnership

3. Action-Oriented helping

3. Roles and responsibilities

Radomski, 2011 (118 s)

cEcological model for adherence in rehabilitation

Existing literature on adherence and occupational therapy

cTranstheoretical model of change

1. Person factors

1. Congruence

2. Provider factors

2. Connectedness

3. Intervention factors

3. Communication

bSelf-determination theory

4. Technology

4. Influencing factors

5. Social

6. Environmental

Schoster et al., 2005 (100 s)


Existing literature and empirical studies on predicting HIV-preventive behaviour

cInformation-Motivation-Behavioural skills model

1. Exercise information

1. Connectedness

Motivation and Behavioural model

2. Exercise motivation

2. Roles and responsibilities

3. Exercise behavioural skills

3. Influencing factors.

4. Barriers

4. Partnership

5. Exercise behaviour

Szybek et al., 2000 (121 s)

cModel of Physiotherapist-patient interactions

Existing literature on Psycho-therapeutic encounters, working alliance, transference and real relationships

cGelso and Carter model

1. Interactions

1. Partnership

2. Non-insight oriented therapist

2. Congruence

3. Insight oriented therapist

Verkaaik et al., 2010 (123 s)

aProductive partnership (P2) framework

Existing literature on power distribution in partnerships

cIndependent living movement model

1. Context

1. Partnership

2. Predicted characteristics

cConsumer direction model

3. Autonomy

4. Knowledge

  1. aFrameworks (n = 10), bTheories (n = 3), cModels (n = 19)