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Table 1 Final factors included in the construction of the 16 areas of variability and method of calculation of factors inside each area

From: Transferability of health cost evaluation across locations in oncology: cluster and principal component analysis as an explorative tool

Area (Source of information)

Final factors of variability included

Methods of calculation

Area 1

Number of: surgical biopsies, micro-biopsies, needle

Sum of the factors per patient

Q. biopsies (A)

aspiration cytology

Calculation of the mean per object

Area 2

Number of: days for inpatient; days for outpatient

Sum of the factors per patient

Q. hospital admissions (A)

Calculation of the mean per object

Area 3

Number of: chest radiograph, colonoscopy, computed tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging

Sum of the factors per patient

Q. imaging (A)

Calculation of the mean per object

Area 4

Number of external consultations

Calculation of the mean per object

Q. external consultations (A)

Area 5

Number of: Ps packs, red blood cell packs

Sum of the factors per patient

Q. transfusions (A)

Calculation of the mean per object

Area 6

Number of radiotherapy sessions

Calculation of the mean per object

Q. radiotherapy (A)

Area 7

Number of preparations for radiotherapy sessions

Calculation of the mean per object

Q. preparation for radiotherapy (A)

Area 8

Drug administration (yes/no): Caelyx, Carboplatin, Cisplatin, Deticene, Doxorubicin, Etoposide, Gemcitabin, Holoxan, Ifosfamide, Imatinib, Melphalan, Vinorelbin, Oxaliplatin, Paclitaxel, Vincristine

Sum of the “yes” for the fifteen factors per patient.

Q. chemotherapy drugs (A)

Calculation of the mean per object

Area 9

Unit cost of: surgical biopsies; microbiopsies; needle

Calculation of the mean cost of the factors by country.

C. biopsies (B, C)

aspiration cytology

Application of the mean (by country) to the objects with quantity of biopsies >0

Area 10

Unit cost of: days for inpatient, days for outpatient

Calculation of the mean of the factors by country.

C. hospital admissions (D)

Application of the mean (by country) to the objects with quantity of days of hospital admissions >0

Area 11

Unit cost of: chest radiograph; colonoscopy; computed tomography; ultrasound; magnetic resonance imaging

Calculation of the mean of the factors by country.

Application of the mean (by country) to the objects with quantity of imaging >0

C. imaging (B, C)

Area 12

Unit cost of external consultations

Application (distinguishing the country) to the objects with quantity of external consultations >0

C. external consultations (B,C)

Area 13

Unit cost of: Ps packs, red blood cell packs

Calculation of the mean of the factors by country.

C. transfusions (E,C)

Application of the mean (by country) to the objects with quantity of transfusion packs >0

Area 14

Unit cost of radiotherapy sessions

Application (distinguishing the country) to the objects with quantity of radiotherapy sessions >0

C. radiotherapy (B,C)

Area 15

Unit cost of preparation for radiotherapy sessions

Application (by country) to the objects with quantity of preparation for radiotherapy sessions >0

C. Preparation for radiotherapy (B,C)

Area 16

Unit cost of: Caelix; Carboplatin; Cisplatin; Deticene; Doxorubicin; Etopophos etoposide; Gemcitabine; Holoxan; Ifosfamide; Imatinib; Melphalan; Navelbine; Oxaliplatin; Paclitaxel; Vincristine

Calculation of the mean of the factors by country.

C. Chemotherapy drugs (F)

Application of the mean (by country) to the objects with quantity of chemotherapy drugs >0

  1. Sources of information: A = Medical records; B = Classification commune des actes médicaux (France); C = Regione del Veneto, Nomenclatore tariffario prestazioni specia-listiche ambulatoriali (Italy); D = Hospital Managers; E = Arrêté du 2 janvier 2008 relatif au tarif de cession des produits sanguins labiles JORF, 10 février 2008, n°35 (France); F = Hospital pharmacists; Q. = quantity; C. = unit cost.