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Table 3 Key features of the intervention for quantitative process evaluation

From: Improving patient adherence to lifestyle advice (IMPALA): a cluster-randomised controlled trial on the implementation of a nurse-led intervention for cardiovascular risk management in primary care (protocol)

1 st consultation

Nurse explains the risk to the patient by means of the risk communication tool.


Nurse hands over the risk communication tool.


Nurse hands over decision aid booklet + risk communication tool (to consider at home).

2 nd consultation

Patient shows up for second consultation. If patients cancel, they are asked for the reason


Nurse uses motivational interviewing; sets agenda with the help of an agenda-setting chart, establishes importance and confidence, explores importance and builds confidence by asking the patient questions.


Which options for risk reduction were discussed during the consultation?


Nurse guides the patient in formulating the main personal goal for lifestyle change (if applicable).


When medication is prescribed: has the nurse consulted the GP?


Which other health education materials were used during the consultation?

Telephone call

The telephone call takes place. If patients cancel, they are asked for the reason


Nurse uses motivational interviewing; sets agenda with the help of an agenda-setting chart; establishes importance and confidence, explores importance and builds confidence by asking the patient questions.


Which options for risk reduction were discussed during the telephone call?


Nurse guides the patient in formulating the main personal goal for lifestyle change (if applicable).

Extra items

Time needed per patient contact.


Time needed to discuss patients with GP.


Appointment for follow-up consultation after the telephone call, if necessary.