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Table 1 Words included in major topics: Public health nurses’ records of parenting counseling

From: Leveraging public health nurses for disaster risk communication in Fukushima City: a qualitative analysis of nurses' written records of parenting counseling and peer discussions

Major topics

Words in alphabetical order

Child lifestyles

Banana, breast milk, crying at night, drink, eat, feed, irregular, meal, milk (two words), morning, nap, night, sleep (two words), vegetable

Child medical issues

Apply, bleed, brushing, curved, dry, ear, ear infection, eyes, feet, front teeth, height, immunization, legs, live (vaccine), medicine, nails, occlusion of teeth, pediatrics, prescription, prevention, polio, receive, run, skin, teeth, tooth decay, treat, vaccination, weight, words

Disaster-related issues

Daily life, earthquake, evacuation, Fukushima, nuclear, outside, play, radiation

Communication with children

Children, cry, dependent, dislike, elder child, hold

Parental concerns

Job, mind, overwhelmed, upset

Parenting network

Advice, child care, father, grandmother, nursery, parental home