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Table 4 Interventions with combination messages (to reduce and increase medicines use)

From: Bridging evidence-practice gaps: improving use of medicines in elderly Australian veterans

Intervention number and topic (number of veterans targeted)

Targeted therapy

Proportion of veterans on targeted therapy at baseline (%)

24 month pre-intervention trend

Intervention effect (%)

20 month post intervention trend

Estimated number with changed behaviour as a result of intervention; sustained over two years post intervention

10: Constipation: a quality of life issue for veteran patients (n = 29231)

Increase use of osmotic laxatives


Trend increasing 0.7% per month

1.8% (p = 0.11)

Trend increasing at greater rate 1.2% per month (p = 0.002)

2047 (825 additional people on osmotic laxatives, 410 additional people on contact laxatives and 690 less people on bulk laxatives)

Decrease use of contact laxatives


Trend increasing 0.2% per month

3.0% (p = 0.0007)

Trend still increasing (non-significant to prior) 0.2% per month (p = 0.87)

Increase use of bulk laxatives


Trend decreasing − 0.7% per month

0.8% (p = 0.34)

Trend now decreasing at greater rate − 0.9% per month (p = 0.04)

13: Clopidogrel (n = 16867)

Increase use of clopidogrel with aspirin


Trend increasing 0.8% per month

3.0% (p = 0.018)

Trend still increasing (non-significant to prior) 0.7% per month (p = 0.4)

1114 (825 now on aspirin with clopidogrel, 289 no longer on NSAIDs with clopidogrel)

Reduce concurrent use of clopidogrel with NSAIDs


Trend decreasing − 0.3% per month

−5.3% (p = 0.002)

Trend still increasing (non-significant to prior) 0.1% per month (p = 0.3)