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Table 3 Primary and secondary patient outcomes

From: Rationale and design of the Multicenter Medication Reconciliation Quality Improvement Study (MARQUIS)



Primary outcome

Unintentional Medication Discrepancies in admission and discharge orders with potential for patient harm

Number of discrepancies per patient with potential for harm

Process measures

Accuracy of preadmission medication history

Proportion with accurate medication histories; number of history errors per patient with potential for harm

Absence of discharge reconciliation errors

Proportion with error-free discharge medication orders; number of discharge reconciliation errors per patient

Preadmission medication history documented within 24 hours of admission

Proportion of cases with on-time preadmission medication history documentation

Other outcome measures

Emergency Department visit or readmission to index hospital within 30 days of discharge

Proportion of patients with ED visit or readmission

Patient Satisfaction on HCAHPS1 survey

Global satisfaction score; medication specific score; proportion who responded “usually or always” to medication questions

  1. 1 Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems.