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Table 2 Treatment Categories for Records with Documentation of SUD Care

From: Validation of the treatment identification strategy of the HEDIS addiction quality measures: concordance with medical record review

Treatment Category


Admission/Discharge Note from an Inpatient Stay with Documented SUD Treatment

Admitted to a drug and alcohol program for the treatment of alcohol dependence


Admitted to domiciliary for homelessness and scheduled to attend SUD relapse prevention groups


Admitted for a medical condition (e.g., liver cirrhosis) and referred to SUD-related group and individual therapies

SUD Outpatient Care

Treatment in an addiction setting (e.g., SARRTP) that is not only gambling or smoking-related


Social services (e.g., housing) provided in a SUD specialty setting


Patient provided methadone dosage as part of drug treatment program (e.g., Drug and Alcohol Program)


Detoxification is the "chief complaint" or the sole "reason for admission"


"Consent to detox" form signed, signaling plan to actually detox

SUD Assessment

Addiction Severity Index (ASI), if not given for a non-SUD related addiction (e.g., gambling, nicotine)

Outpatient Care Partially-Related to SUD

Positive results on a SUD-related screening (e.g., AUDIT-C, CAGE) and the provider takes further action (e.g., makes a referral or recommendation, advises patient to quit)


Dual diagnosis treatment (e.g., Seeking Safety) for co-occurring PTSD & SUD


Treatment of SUD and pain disorder