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Table 3 Univariate differences in mean values between inpatient and community staff. Number of items in parenthesis. Mann-Whitney

From: Qualified and Unqualified (N-R C) mental health nursing staff - minor differences in sources of stress and burnout. A European multi-centre study


Variable definitions





Emotional exhaustion

Feelings of being emotionally overextended and exhausted

15.6 (8.9)

15.7 (10.1)

- .078; p = .94



Unfeeling and impersonal responses towards recipients of services

3.6 (4.7)

5.5 (5.7)

- 1.63; p = .10


Personal accomplishment

Feelings of competence and achievement in one's work

36.3 (7.4)

37.3 (7.8)

- 1.11; p = .27



Too much work work, different tasks, lack of time, too long hours (6)

1.05 (.70)

.94 (.61)

- .848; p = .40


Client related difficulties

Dealing with suffering, small improvement, demanding clients, threats (6)

1.01 (.56)

.89 (.59)

- 1.52; p = .13


Organizational structure and processes

Lack of support from managers, poor management, organizational problems, structure and policies (6)

1.02 (.78)

1.01 (.79)

- .124; p = .90


Relationships and conflicts with other professionals

Conflicts with other professions, conflicting roles, criticism, multidisciplinary teams, difficult colleagues (6)

.62 (.55)

.75 (.64)

- 1.14; p = .25


Lack of resources

Inadequate staffing, physical environment, training opportunities (6)

1.12 (.62)

1.02 (.73)

- 1.53; p = .18


Professional self doubt

Inadequately skilled, own capabilities, doubt about therapeutic effectiveness, keeping up to date, fear of making mistakes (6)

.96 (.59)

.98 (.70)

- .164; p = .87


Home-work conflict

Not enough time with family, personal vs professional role (6)

.62 (.58)

.61 (.51)

- .232; p = .88


MHPSS total

Overall stress scores based on above factors (6)

.91 (.46)

.88 (.52)

- .335; p = .74


Physical environment

Noise, temperature, air, general quality (5)

1.70 (1.50)

1.54 (1.29)

- .455; p = .65


Social relations1)

Cliques, conflict, quarrelling, lack of agreement (5)

.87 (.9)

1.21 (1.4)

- 1.91; p = .05


Work pressure

Being busy, breaks, fulfil tasks, has to take work home (4)

1.88 (1.04)

1.80 (1.04)

- .537; p = .59


Work demands 2)

Concentration, recalls, task difficulty, accessible solutions,

3.39 (.90)

2.88 (1.17)

- 3.25; p = .001


Control of your work

Influence of own work, pace, autonomy, planning (4)

1.01 (1.29)

1.24 (1.25)

- 1.59; p = .10


Influence and co-determination3)

Influence with regard to changes, organisation of the work, economy, strategies, allocation of resources (5)

2.04 (1.51)

2.46 (1.52)

- 1.76; p = .08


Management style

Favouritism, criticism, inaccessible management, access to leaders (5)

1.24 (1.55)

1.25 (1.49)

- .210; p = .83


Work role

Quality of rules, clear/unclear instructions, information, (5)

1.47 (1.38)

1.33 (1.37)

- .760; p = .45


Personal development at work

Developing own capabilities, personal development, learning (5)

.35 (.82)

.74 (1.34)

- 1.63; p = .10



Contact with colleagues during work, cooperation, social relations (5)

.86 (1.21)

.86 (1.05)

-. 633; p = .86


Work orientation and motivation

Stimulating work, importance of salary, proud of the work (5)

.91 (1.00)

.99 (1.25)

- .180; p = .86


Acting possibilities b)

Change bad working conditions, help and support from the management and from colleagues (3)

3.30 (1.55)

3.15 (1.72)

- .556; p = .58


Health and well-being Work) c)

Need to relax, concerns, problems due to incompetence, motivation (5)

2.43 (1.11)

2.37 (1.08)

- .233; p = .82


Health and well-being General d)

(Restlessness, irritation, depressiveness, vertigo, heart beat, pains; seldom to almost daily (10)

4.32 (3.72)

4.08 (3.15)

- .157; p = .88



Criticism, ridiculing, being excluded, rumours (12)

.83 (1.60)

1.28 (2.33)

- 1.01; p = .31

  1. 1) Z - 1.91, p = .06
  2. 2) Z - 3.25, p = .001
  3. 3) Z - 1.76 p = .08
  4. a) (No = 0/yes = 1)
  5. b) (4-point scale from "Bad" to "Very good")
  6. c) (No = 0/yes = 1)
  7. d) (4-point scale from "Never/seldom" to "Almost every day")