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Volume 16 Supplement 2

Medicine and management in European public hospitals


This publication is supported by COST. The articles have undergone the journal's standard peer review process for supplements. The Supplement Editors declare that they have no competing interests.

Edited by Ian Kirkpatrick, Ellen Kuhlmann, Kathy Hartley, Mike Dent and Federico Lega

  1. Since the early 1980s all European countries have given priority to reforming the management of health services. A distinctive feature of these reforms has also been the drive to co-opt professionals themselve...

    Authors: Ian Kirkpatrick, Ellen Kuhlmann, Kathy Hartley, Mike Dent and Federico Lega
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2016 16(Suppl 2):171
  2. This article examines uncomfortable realities that the European hospital sector currently faces and the potential impact of wide-spread rationalization policies such as (hospital) payment reform and privatizat...

    Authors: Patrick Jeurissen, Antonio Duran and Richard B. Saltman
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2016 16(Suppl 2):168
  3. In the study of medicine and management, there is a strong interest in cross-country comparison. Across healthcare systems in industrialised countries, New Public Management has provided a similar reform templ...

    Authors: V. Burau
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2016 16(Suppl 2):157
  4. The need of improving the governance of healthcare services has brought health professionals into management positions. However, both the processes and outcomes of this policy change highlight differences amon...

    Authors: T. Correia and J. L. Denis
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2016 16(Suppl 2):161
  5. Hospital governance is broadening its orientation from cost and production controls towards ‘improving performance on clinical outcomes’. Given this new focus one might assume that doctors are drawn into hospi...

    Authors: A. M. Rotar, D. Botje, N. S. Klazinga, K. M. Lombarts, O. Groene, R. Sunol and T. Plochg
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2016 16(Suppl 2):160