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Table 1 Data Extraction Form

From: Evaluating the impact of the national health insurance scheme of Ghana on out of pocket expenditures: a systematic review

General Information

 Initials of the reviewer

 Date the review was conducted


 Journal/publication body

 Publication year

 PubMed ID (for referencing only)

Study Characteristics

 Objectives of the study

 Study design

 Data source

 Sampling technique

 Justification of the sample size

 Power calculation

 Study setting

Participant Characteristics

 Description of the study population

 Population size

 Description of the control group

 Inclusion of socio-economic classification

 Description of socio-economic status (variables included) in the analysis

Outcomes Measured

 Types of health-care costs measured in the studies (direct and indirect costs such as transportation cost and lost wages)

 Measures of financial protection used in the analysis

 Reported differences in out of pocket expenditures by insurance status

 Reported differences in catastrophic health expenditures by insurance status

 Any report of poverty reduction by insurance status

 Type of statistical analysis used by the authors

 Key findings of the studies

 Discussion of generalizability