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Table 2 Critical mechanisms in the intervention process

From: Exploration of dynamics in a complex person-centred intervention process based on health professionals’ perspectives

Multiple objectives

Unclear mandates

Unclear and competing professional logics

Differences in objectives (general objectives, such as increased quality of patient information versus enabling of patient preparedness by means of person-centered information and communication) influence the ways of viewing or working with the PEM (simply delivering the PEM versus using the PEM as a basis for person-centred communication)

Differences in perceived mandate (well-defined mandate for the facilitating nurses versus redefined unclear mandate for the ward nurses; large degree of freedom for the surgeons) influence ways of viewing communication (more likely to process information in dialogical manner versus simply giving/transferring information)

Different professional logics (knowledge-oriented professional logic, surgeon or nurse oriented; administratively oriented logic) influence what part of the intervention was put in focus and the level of engagement