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Table 2 The inspection framework to assess the quality of services for poor children and their families

From: Inspectors’ responses to adolescents’ assessment of quality of care: a case study on involving adolescents in inspections


Inspection criteria

I. Tailoring services to young people’s needs

1. Organizations make sure their services fit the wishes and abilities of young people and their families and encourage forming good relationships

2. Professionals jointly analyze the situation of young people and their families and all the conditions that affect their lives, including underlying problems and causes

3. Services are tailored to the problems of young people and their families, and are aimed at preventing or solving the problems and underlying causes

4. Tailored services are arranged quickly

II. Participation and coverage rates of services

5. Professionals stimulate the active participation of young people and their families in society

6. Obstacles to receiving the services they need are removed for young people and their families

7. Organizations know which target groups do not use the services and reach out to these groups

III. Consistency of activities

8. Professional activities are aligned with organizational strategy

9. Various partners cooperate to achieve their goals efficiently. Their services are aligned and coordinated by one of the professionals

10. Professionals collect, record and exchange necessary information about a young person or family