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Table 2 In- and exclusion criteria for systematic search and review

From: Improving quality of care through patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs): expert interviews using the NHS PROMs Programme and the Swedish quality registers for knee and hip arthroplasty as examples

Inclusion criteria:

Swedish Hip or Knee Arthroplasty Registers

 - reference to Swedish Hip or Knee Arthroplasty register or related data set

AND reference to integration or utilization of PROMs in the registries


 - primary research

 - published in English language

 - access to the full-text

NHS PROMs Programme

 - reference to the NHS PROMs programme or related data set


 - primary research

 - published in English language

 - access to the full-text

Exclusion criteria:

 - reference to other registries OR other Quality Outcomes Framework PROMs efforts

 - other registries, such as the National Joint Registry

 - secondary research, e.g. systematic literature review, books

 - conceptual papers to inform or challenge PROMs’ development

 - studies conducted to inform the development of the NHS PROMs programme e.g. published before the Swedish Arthroplasty Register or NHS PROMs programme existed