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Table 1 Key characteristics of client files by geographic location, age and CQI participation in Indigenous children aged 3–59 months

From: Quality of social and emotional wellbeing services for families of young Indigenous children attending primary care centers; a cross sectional analysis


Geographic location

Age (months)

CQI participation (number of audits completed)










> = 3



2010 (81.51%)

371 (15.0%)

85 (3.5%)

609 (24.7%)

532 (21.6%)

1325 (53.7%)

410 (16.6%)

569 (23.1%)

1487 (60.3%)

Health service characteristics


 Aboriginal community controlled

573 (23.2%)

319 (15.9%)

224 (60.4%)

30 (35.3%)

133 (21.8%)

118 (22.2%)

322 (24.3%)

77 (18.8%)

182 (32.0%)

314 (21.1%)


1893 (76.8%)

1691 (84.1%)

147 (39.6%)

55 (64.7%)

476 (78.2%)

414 (77.8%)

1003 (75.7%)

333 (81.2%)

387 (68.0%)

1173 (78.9%)

Health service provider who first saw the child

 Indigenous health worker

338 (13.7%)

220 (10.9%)

94 (25.3%)

24 (28.2%)

69 (11.3%)

67 (12.6%)

202 (15.2%)

21 (5.1%)

88 (15.5%)

229 (15.4%)


1723 (69.9%)

1505 (74.9%)

176 (47.4%)

42 (49.4%)

460 (75.5%)

381 (71.6%)

882 (66.6%)

286 (69.8%)

430 (75.6%)

1007 (67.7%)

 General practitioner

271 (11.0%)

163 (8.1%)

90 (24.3%)

18 (21.2%)

62 (10.2%)

60 (11.3%)

149 (11.2%)

81 (19.8%)

27 (4.7%)

163 (11.0%)


117 (4.7%)

106 (5.3%)

10 (2.7%)

1 (1.2%)

16 (2.6%)

20 (3.8%)

81 (6.1%)

21 (5.1%)

24 (4.2%)

72 (4.8%)


17 (0.7%)

16 (0.8%)

1 (0.3%)

0 (0.0%)

2 (0.3%)

4 (0.8%)

11 (0.8%)

1 (0.2%)

0 (0.0%)

16 (1.1%)

Year of data collection


488 (19.8%)

319 (15.9%)

148 (39.9%)

21 (24.7%)

127 (20.9%)

107 (20.1%)

254 (19.2%)

196 (47.8%)

84 (14.8%)

208 (14.0%)


1334 (54.1%)

1163 (57.9%)

171 (46.1%)

0 (0.0%)

313 (51.4%)

276 (51.9%)

745 (56.2%)

155 (37.8%)

274 (48.2%)

905 (60.9%)


644 (26.1%)

528 (26.3%)

52 (14.0%)

64 (75.3%)

169 (27.8%)

149 (28.0%)

326 (24.6%)

59 (14.4%)

211 (37.1%)

374 (25.2%)

Population size

 < 500

848 (34.4%)

831 (41.3%)

17 (4.6%)

0 (0.0%)

137 (22.5%)

196 (36.8%)

515 (38.9%)

101 (24.6%)

175 (30.8%)

572 (38.5%)


499 (20.2%)

448 (22.3%)

41 (11.1%)

10 (11.8%)

114 (18.7%)

101 (19.0%)

284 (21.4%)

104 (25.4%)

92 (16.2%)

303 (20.4%)

 > =1000

1119 (45.4%)

731 (36.4%)

313 (84.4%)

75 (88.2%)

358 (58.8%)

235 (44.2%)

526 (39.7%)

205 (50.0%)

302 (53.1%)

612 (41.2%)

Child characteristics

Sex of child


1249 (50.6%)

1017 (50.6%)

189 (50.9%)

43 (50.6%)

310 (50.9%)

272 (51.1%)

667 (50.3%)

202 (49.3%)

283 (49.7%)

764 (51.4%)


1217 (49.4%)

993 (49.4%)

182 (49.1%)

42 (49.4%)

299 (49.1%)

260 (48.9%)

658 (49.7%)

208 (50.7%)

286 (50.3%)

723 (48.6%)

Type of child health check completed in the last 12 months

 Medical benefits schedule (MBS) 715

999 (40.5%)

847 (42.1%)

122 (32.9%)

30 (35.3%)

246 (40.4%)

229 (43.0%)

524 (39.5%)

115 (28.0%)

212 (37.3%)

672 (45.2%)

 Other child health check

648 (26.3%)

507 (25.2%)

124 (33.4%)

17 (20.0%)

181 (29.7%)

147 (27.6%)

320 (24.2%)

144 (35.1%)

88 (15.5%)

416 (28.0%)

 Not known / not recorded

819 (33.2%)

656 (32.6%)

125 (33.7%)

38 (44.7%)

182 (29.9%)

156 (29.3%)

481 (36.3%)

151 (36.8%)

269 (47.3%)

399 (26.8%)

Reason for last clinic attendance

 Acute care

1200 (48.7%)

990 (49.3%)

171 (46.1%)

39 (45.9%)

265 (43.5%)

271 (50.9%)

664 (50.1%)

161 (39.3%)

284 (49.9%)

755 (50.8%)


366 (14.8%)

268 (13.3%)

78 (21.0%)

20 (23.5%)

122 (20.0%)

87 (16.4%)

157 (11.8%)

64 (15.6%)

89 (15.6%)

213 (14.3%)

 Child health check

577 (23.4%)

467 (23.2%)

92 (24.8%)

18 (21.2%)

155 (25.5%)

112 (21.1%)

310 (23.4%)

105 (25.6%)

117 (20.6%)

355 (23.9%)


323 (13.1%)

285 (14.2%)

30 (8.1%)

8 (9.4%)

67 (11.0%)

62 (11.7%)

194 (14.6%)

80 (19.5%)

79 (13.9%)

164 (11.0%)

  1. CQI Continuous quality improvement