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Table 5 Contrasts between two different values of the covariate

From: Determinants of new drugs prescription in the Swiss healthcare market


Nature of the contrast

Contrast (years)

Prescription level


Yes - No

−12.6 [−14.1; −11.1]

 Generic drug

Yes - No

−15.2 [−17.0; −13.4]

Market level

 Number of insured

100,000 - 10,000

−5.5 [−6.1; −4.8]

 Treatment cost

1000 CHF - 500 CHF

−1.8 [−2.0; −1.6]

 Herfindahl-Hirschman index

1 – 0.5

11.6 [10.2; 12.9]

 Number of drugs

50 - 1

−6.1 [−6.5; −5.7]

 Number of active substances

5 - 1

−6.5 [−7.2; −5.9]

Patient level


(85+) - (0-19)

0.43 [0.38; 0.48]


Male - Female

−0.16 [−0.18; −0.14]


(>400 CHF) - (<=400 CHF)

0.24 [0.21; 0.27]

 Co-morbidity index

10 - 1 illnesses

−0.024 [−0.027; −0.021]

Physician level

 Physician’s specialty

Hospital specialist – GP

1.03 [0.91; 1.15]

Region level


Jura - Neuchâtel

2.78 [2.46; 3.10]

  1. Confidence intervals in squared brackets