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Table 1 Open ended and limited response questions

From: “I want to know everything”: a qualitative study of perspectives from patients with chronic diseases on sharing health information during hospitalization

• How well was your medical care organized while you were in the hospital?

• How often did your providers seem to know what they needed to know about you, your medical care, and what you needed?

• Please share how you keep track of your health information as you go from provider to provider and setting to setting.

• Please share how you keep track of your health information while you are in the hospital.

• What kinds of medical information are you interested in knowing about when you are in the hospital?

• What medical information do you prefer not to know about when you are in the hospital?

• Did the nurses give a change of shift report in your hospital room?

 If yes:

 How often did this occur?

 Did the nurses explain what they were doing?

 Were you invited to participate?

 What did you do during the process?

 What factors do you think encourage patient participation in bedside nursing shift report?

 What factors do you think discourage patient participation in bedside nursing shift report?

• During your hospitalization, did your doctors and other providers discuss your medical care as a group (medical rounds) in your hospital room?

 If yes:

 How often did medical rounds occur in your hospital room?

 Did the medical team explain what they were doing?

 Were you invited to participate?

 What did you do during the process?

 What factors do you think encourage patient participation in medical rounds?

 What factors do you think discourage patient participation in medical rounds?

• When you first got home from the hospital, how confident were you that you knew what you would need to do to take care of your medical needs?

• As time went by (a week or more after discharge), did you find that you actually did know what you needed to do to take care of yourself?

• Did you find that you had the things you needed -- equipment, prescriptions, or anything else?

• Did you find that you did know what to do if problems developed?

• Did you find that you got the help you needed, when you needed it?

• Thinking back on your hospitalization, is there anything else that you think could be done during hospitalization to help prepare you to resume self-care after you went home?