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Table 3 Valuable elements of a discharge summary

From: Design of an orthopaedic-specific discharge summary

Admitting diagnosis

Final diagnosis

Admission and discharge date

Contact information

 - Primary care provider (name, phone, fax)

 - Hospital physician or resident

 - Specialists

Detailed patient history

 - Medical/surgical

 - Daily living (social, mobility)

 - Home environment

Course in hospital

 - Surgery: Concise summary including date of surgery, type of surgery and selection of anaesthesia; Preoperative care; Postoperative care and complications

 - Adverse events: procedures required (detailed); delirium, Date occurred; Management, Pertinent negatives

 - Other conditions impacting hospital stay (medical/surgical/social)

 - Goals of care: code status, advanced directives,

 - Functional status: behaviour, precautions or restrictions and participation at discharge (Include PT and OT documentation)

 - Cognitive function and assessments pre and post discharge


 - History of falls: frequency, mechanism

 - Details about the fall that precipitated fracture

 - Falls prevention recommendations

Bone health

 - Bone health investigations

 - Bone health management

 - Changes to osteoporosis medications – initiation, dosing and follow-up implications.

Consult services and recommendations

 - Rehabilitation therapists (details on consent, assessment and treatment)

 - Geriatric medicine, geriatric psychiatry, medical consults, anesthesia, etc

Summary of key results, investigations, summary of bloodwork to identify trends


 - Allergies

 - Medications reconciliation

 - Pain control

 - Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis

 - Osteoporosis treatment

 - Adherence: # of tablets

Post-discharge health management plan

 - Follow-up appointments (those made or to be made, including dates and times)

 - Health management plan and timelines – clear instructions to patient and primary care provider

 - Outstanding Investigations and pending results

 - Referrals and homecare supports

 - Projections and expectations on recovery

 - Discharge facility (unit and program)

 - Wound care instructions

 - Equipment required pre and post hospital discharge