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Table 1 Characteristics of the survey respondents by satisfaction and dissatisfaction frequency

From: Frequency of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with practice among rural-based, group-employed physicians and non-physician practitioners


Total sample, N = 308

Satisfied ≥ 80 % of the Time, N = 92

Dissatisfied ≤ 20 % of the Time, N = 164

N (%)

N (%)

N (%)

Male Gender

166 (53.9)

52 (56.5)

90 (54.9)


248 (80.5)

80 (87.0)

141 (86.0)

Age < 45 years

117 (38.4)

36 (40.0)

64 (39.8)

Organizational Tenure < 15 years

228 (74.0)

69 (75.0)

119 (72.6)

Works Full Time

252 (81.8)

78 (84.8)

134 (81.7)

Works Part Time or Per Diem

56 (18.2)

14 (15.2)

30 (18.3)

Advanced-Practice Clinician/Non-Physician

126 (40.9)

40 (43.5)

73 (44.5)


182 (59.1)

52 (56.5)

91 (55.5)

Primary Care Practitioner

99 (32.1)

21 (22.8)

43 (26.2)

Non-Primary Care Practitioner

209 (67.9)

71 (77.2)

121 (73.8)

Small Clinical Unit (Number of Practitioners ≤ 5)

92 (30.7)

25 (28.4)

43 (27.4)


Median (Q1, Q3)

Median (Q1, Q3)

Median (Q1, Q3)

Number of Support Staff Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)

5.1 (2, 9)

4 (2, 7.6)

4 (2, 7.6)

Perceived Workload

12 (10, 14)

9 (8,12)

10 (8, 12)

Autonomy Needs

5.3 (4.8, 5.8)

5.8 (5, 6)

5.5 (5, 6)

Relatedness Needs

5.0 (4.3, 5.3)

5 (4.5, 5.8)

5 (4.8, 5.5)

Meaningfulness of Practice

3.3 (2.8, 3.7)

3.5 (3, 3,9)

3.4 (3.0, 3,8)

Risk Aversion

5 (4, 6)

5 (4, 6)

5 (4, 6)

Intolerance of Uncertainty/Ambiguity

5 (4, 6)

6 (4, 6)

5 (4, 6)

Percent of Time Satisfied

60 (30, 80)

90 (80, 95)

80 (70, 90)

Percent of Time Dissatisfied

20 (10, 30)

5 (2, 10)

10 (5, 15)