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Table 3 Collaboration

From: Integration of research and practice to improve public health and healthcare delivery through a collaborative 'Health Integration Team' model - a qualitative investigation

Concept type:

Process related

Short definition:

Development and embedding of methods that enable partnership working and co-production, involving HIT specific structures and procedures


Data extracts

Breaking down organisational, sectorial and professional boundaries and silos by enabling effective communication about common goals

‘…relationships are the most important thing in order to move anything together in a partnership to me. So the aspect of one area that has been successful was that the relationship with the commissioners was strong in the sense of common ideology. And mutual respect of each other’s tensions to deliver this, so when you understand that you can actually find a common goal that would achieve. So you’re getting commissioners, the spread of medics and allied health professionals together in order to just simply put the patient [in the centre] as doing the right thing for the right reasons and respecting each other’s tensions in order to deliver that.’ (Participant 5, HIT director, clinical academic)

Key aspects

Requirement for sponsorship at the most senior level in one of the organisations forming a HIT.

‘The HITs are all supposed to have executive sponsors from the organisation and it’s making sure that’s that a live relationship because those executives I think can really help the HITs but, you know, they’ve got to keep them in their mind all the time. Whenever anything comes across their desk they have to think “Oh, yeah, this might help my HIT.”’(Participant 7, senior commissioner)

Building infrastructure for sustained interaction, communication and exchange of information and knowledge between and across HITs and their collaborating organisations and individuals.

The working groups (…) will each be led by two individuals, encompassing academic and service leadership. These will both report to and work with the two thematic groups’. (HIT application document, 2013)

‘This HIT will be embedded managerially within the Division of [relevant clinical sector at acute trust]. The Head of Division and the Divisional Manager will sit on the steering group. The steering group will meet monthly and report to the trust-wide [relevant clinical conditions] steering group, which has representation from across the trust, the commissioners and [regional provider]. The agenda of the HIT and the [clinical conditions] steering group correlate strongly and support clinical service delivery. (HIT application document, 2012)