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Table 2 Description of the chronic disease educator intervention

From: A critique of the design, implementation, and delivery of a culturally-tailored self-management education intervention: a qualitative evaluation

Reporting criteria

CDE Programme

Where was the intervention delivered and why?

Primary care settings (GP surgeries) and community settings with a single lay educator (or with the use of interpreters when necessary

What behavioural change theory has intervention been based on (if any)?

Social learning theory

What behaviour change techniques were used by people delivering the intervention (if any)*?

1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 19, 22, 24

A description of the activities and material provided in each workshop and their intended outcomes?

Material: information on weight management, choosing healthier foods, meal planning, physical exercise, checking and improving metabolic control and preventing complications.

Activities: participants taking each other’s blood pressure, BMI calculations, understanding sugar and salt content in foods, Eat-well plate, food maps, guided imagery, ‘freethink’.

Intended outcomes: desirable body weight, learn to shop for food, increase physical activity, take medication properly and regularly, recognise early symptoms of condition, regularly attend clinics, improved symptom control, reduced BMI, improved quality of life and knowledge of condition, reduced level of prescribing, slower disease progression, management of condition, carry out normal roles and activities, and manage emotional impact of illness.

What support (if any) was provided to individuals outside of workshops?

No contact outside of workshops.

Was a manual or protocol used to deliver the intervention and are there details on how it can be accessed?

Manual is available to lay educators, however, not used during intervention. Can be accessed via permission from Health Exchange.

How were individuals referred to the programme?

Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease and/or chronic kidney disease were invited to attend the programme. Patients referred to the programme by general practitioners, practice nurses or practice staff. Practices citing a lack of time asked CDEs to contact patients on chronic disease registers directly by phone or postal mail.

Were any cultural or structural adaptations used?

Delivery in various languages, cultural adaptation of educational material, application of visual aids and demonstrations, understandable terminology, emotional well-being, culturally sensitive approach to delivery, recruitment of lay personnel, delivery in community locations, and religious/cultural acknowledgement.

  1. *Abraham and Michie [13] Taxonomy of behaviour change techniques:
  2. 1. Provide general information on behaviour-health link; 2. Provide information on consequences; 3. Provide information about others’ approval; 4.Prompt intention formation; 5. Prompt barrier identification; 6. Provide general encouragement; 7. Set graded tasks; 8. Provide instruction; 9.Model/Demonstrate the behaviour; 10. Prompt specific goal setting; 11. Prompt review of behavioural goals; 12. Prompt self-monitoring of behaviour; 13. Provide feedback on performance; 14. Provide contingent rewards; 15. Teach to use prompts/cues; 16. Agree behavioural contract; 17. Prompt practice; 18. Use of follow-up prompts; 19. Provide opportunities for social comparison; 20. Plan social support/social change; 21.Prompt identification as role model/position advocate; 22. Prompt self-talk; 23. Relapse prevention; 24. Stress management; 25. Motivational interviewing; 26. Time management.