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Table 4 Variable definitions

From: Performing well in financial management and quality of care: evidence from hospital process measures for treatment of cardiovascular disease

Variable name


Quality Score

Intervention sample size weighted average score based on Shwartz et. al. [44]

Natural log of Total Assets

log (Total Assets)

Financial Leverage

Total Liabilities ÷ Total Assets

Total Margin

Net Income ÷ Revenue

Asset Turnover (Sales to Assets)

Revenue ÷ Total Assets

Current Ratio

Current Assets ÷ Current Liabilities

Days Cash On Hand

(Cash + Cash Equivalents) × 365 ÷ Operating Expenses

Days Patients Accounts Receivable

(Accounts Receivable – Allowances for uncollectible) × 365 ÷ Revenue

Average Age of Plant (Year)

Accumulated Depreciation ÷ Annual Depreciation Expense

Salary to Revenue

Salary Expense ÷ Revenue

Public Hospital

1 for government owned hospitals and 0 otherwise

Not-for-profit Hospital

1 for nonprofit hospitals and 0 otherwise