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Table 2 Survey Questions – Rating* and Open Scale

From: What do hospital decision-makers in Ontario, Canada, have to say about the fairness of priority setting in their institutions?

Overall, how fair is priority setting at your hospital? (Rating Scale). Please explain your response (Open-ended).

How well does your hospital meet its priority setting goal(s)? (Rating Scale). Please explain your response (Open-ended).

What do you see as the goal(s) of priority setting in your hospital? (Open-ended)

How well is the relevance condition met at your hospital? (Rating Scale)

How well is the publicity condition met at your hospital? (Rating Scale)

How well is the appeals condition met at your hospital? (Rating Scale)

How well is the enforcement condition met at your hospital? (Rating Scale)

  1. * Ratings were on a five-point scale, from 1 (not well) to 5 (very well) or from 1 (not fair) to 5 (very fair).