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Table 1 Outcomes examined in empirical articles

From: Exploring the relationship between governance mechanisms in healthcare and health workforce outcomes: a systematic review

Outcome examined

Shared governance

Magnet accreditation

Professional development

Quality-focused initiatives

Reorganization of healthcare delivery



Som (2007) [53]

Silvestro (2008) [74]

Adoption of care protocols


Jayawardhana (2011) [30]

Garrard (2006) [37]

Gerrish (2008) [49]

Lavoie-Tremblay (2011) [71]


Levin (2011) [51]


Melnyk (2010) [46]


Wallen (2010) [52]


Collaborative practice


Balogh (2006) [34]

Garrard (2006) [37]

Fitzgerald (2003) [54]

Sicotte (2002) [72]


George (2002) [38]

Rosengren (2012) [48]


MacDonald (2008) [36]

Som (2007) [53]




Garrard (2006) [37]

Luxford (2011) [55]

Prater (2001) [39]


MacDonald (2008) [36]

Fitzgerald (2003) [54]

Smith (2004) [40]

Professional behaviour

Latham (2011) [23]

Balogh (2006) [34]

George (2002) [38]

Freeman (2004) [85]

Aarons (2009) [78]


Paxton (2006) [86]

Prater (2001) [39]


Rondeau (2007) [69]

Smith (2004) [40]


Sheaff (2004) [47]



Latham (2011) [23]


Som (2007) [53]

Silvestro (2008) [74]


Ellenbecker (2007) [22]

Brady-Schwartz (2005) [32]


Levin (2011) [51]

Castle (2006) [77]


Latham (2011) [23]


McCormick (2006) [50]

Donoghue (2009) [76]


Som (2007) [53]

Silvestro (2008) [74]


Wallen (2010) [52]


Role clarity


MacDonald (2008) [36]


Belling (2011) [70]

Skill/staff mix


Jayawardhana (2011) [30]


McCloskey (2005) [87]


Silvestro (2008) [74]

Work attitudes

Attree (2005) [21]

Balogh (2006) [34]

Garrard (2006) [37]

Dean (2004) [45]

Aarons (2009) [78]


Barden (2011) [18]

Brady-Schwartz (2005) [32]

George (2002) [38]

Freeman (2004) [85]

Braithwaite (2004) [75]


Ellenbecker (2007) [22]

Hess (2011) [33]

MacDonald (2008) [36]

Gerrish (2008) [49]

Lavoie-Tremblay (2011) [71]


Erickson (2003) [19]

Upenieks (2003) [31]

McCabe (2008) [41]

Levin (2011) [51]

O’Dowd (2006) [73]


Frith (2006) [20]


Smith Randolph (2005) [29]

Luxford (2011) [55]

Prater (2001) [39]


Kramer (2008) [88]


McCormick (2006) [50]

Silvestro (2008) [74]


Latham (2011) [23]


Melnyk (2010) [46]


Smith Randolph (2005) [29]


Murray (2004) [43]


Rondeau (2007) [69]


Rosengren (2012) [48]


Sheaff (2004) [47]


Sweeney (2003) [44]


Wallen (2010) [52]




Jayawardhana (2011) [30]


Rosengren (2012) [48]

McCloskey (2005) [87]