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Table 3 Summary of characteristics influencing new drug diffusion

From: Factors affecting the uptake of new medicines: a systematic literature review

Prescriber characteristics (micro- and meso-level)

Practice characteristic (meso-level)

Drug characteristics (meso-level)

Patient characteristics (meso-level)

Socio-demographic characteristics (micro-level)

Location (urban or rural) (3/7)

Marketing budget of the pharmaceutical company assigned for the new drug (5/7)

Age (6/9)

Gender (7/15)

Type (solo or group/partnership) (4/7)

Overall acceptance (5/6)

Gender (1/6)

Age ( 9/14)

Size (2/6)

Therapeutic novelty (2/3)

Health (3/4)

Professional age (4/5)

Ownership (private or public), management (reformed or non-reformed), and orientation (for profit or not for profit) (3/4)

Competition (1/1)

Socioeconomic characteristics (income, education, and health insurance) (3/4)

Training location (4/5)

Region (1/4)


Marital status (1/2)

Number of current workplaces (1/2)

Accreditation level (1/2)

Nationality (1/1)

Diagnostic and therapeutic activities (2/2)


Race/ethnicity (2/2)

Scientific orientation (micro-level)

Employee composition (1/2)

Speciality (10/16)

Other (2/2)

Hospital affiliation (4/8)


Board certification (2/6)

Clinical trial participation (3/3)

CME [continuing medical education] and pharmacotherapy audit meetings (PTAMs) (2/3)

Number of professional journals read (2/3)

Perceived scientific orientation (2/3)

Specialist meetings and events (2/3)

Position (1/1)

Prescribing characteristics (meso-level)

Prescribing volume in the therapeutic class of the new drug (10/11)

Total number of patients/prescriptions (6/9)

Prescribing volume of drugs by the same pharmaceutical company (4/4)

Portfolio width (1/1)

Marketing efforts targeted at doctors (meso-level)

Detailing (4/6)

Sampling (2/2)

Direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) (1/1)

Contagion through social networks (meso-level) (5/6)

  1. In brackets, the number of studies where the variable was found significant in the adoption process over the number of studies assessing the impact of the variable.