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Table 5 Unmet need components included in the seven funding formulae

From: How are population-based funding formulae for healthcare composed? A comparative analysis of seven models


Policy based measure

Epidemiological based measure

England [29]


Disability Free Life Expectancy (DFLE)

Scotland [31]


Rate of circulatory disease

New South Wales [26]

Indigenous and Homeless Population Weightings



New Zealand [34]

Maori, Pacific, NZ Index of Deprivation (NZDep2006) Quintiles 4&5 (40% most deprived areas)




  1. Data sourced from:
  2. [29] (Department of Health. 2011).
  3. [31] (NHSScotland Resource Allocation Committee. 2007).
  4. [26] (New South Wales Health. 2005).
  5. [34] (Ministry of Health. 2004).