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Table 2 Demographic measures included in the seven funding formulae

From: How are population-based funding formulae for healthcare composed? A comparative analysis of seven models







England [29]

5 year age bands


Standardised no qualifications


Supply Index:(c)

0-85+ years

Young people not staying in education

Disability living allowance claimants over 60

Pension credit claimants

Mean Waiting Time

Low birth weight at births

Access to admitted care providers

Income Deprivation affecting children

Distance to outpatient providers

Disability living allowance claimants

Distance to admitted patient providers

Incapacity Benefit/Severe Disability Allowance Claimants

Number of GPs

Accessibility for acute provider capacity

Accessibility score for outpatient capacity

Scotland [31]

5 year age bands


Dependant on Care Programme:


Maternity: Urban–rural classification (10 categories)

0-90 + years



Mental Health:% of people in one person households

% in social rented housing

Maternity: Mean house price

New South Wales [26]

5 year age bands


Index of Occupation & Education

% Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders

Accessibility/Remoteness index of Australia

0-85 + years


Netherlands [32, 33]

20 age categories


Source of Income (Benefits, self employed, employed with insurance, no source of income)



0, 1-4, 5-9, 10-14…90+



Average Income

Proximity of care facilities (per 1000 inhabitants within 25 km radius)

Proportion of non-western immigrants

Marital Status

New Zealand [34]

5 year age bands


Deprivation quintiles based on Index of Deprivation (NZDep2006)

Maori, Pacific, Other


0-85 + years


Ontario [35]

4 age categories for person profile


Quintile of Neighbourhood Income per Person Equivalent


Rurality (Non Rural, Rural, Very Rural)


(Dichotomised into Low SES (Quintile 1) and Higher SES (Quintiles 2-5))

Small Hospital (Yes/No)

1-17, 18-59, 60-79, 80+

2 age categories for ranking clinical group

0-17, 18+

Stockholm [36, 37]

5 & 10 year age bands


Marital Status (Married or cohabitating with children, lone)


0-80+ years

House tenure (small houses, other)

Educational Level (At least upper secondary, lower education, missing data)

Employment Status (early retirement, other)

  1. (c)England’s Supply Index is set at national average rates in the final funding models, neutralising its effect on allocation.
  2. Data sourced from:
  3. [29] (Department of Health. 2011).
  4. [31](NHSScotland Resource Allocation Committee. 2007).
  5. [26] (New South Wales Health. 2005).
  6. [32] (Ministry of Health Welfare and Sport 2008).
  7. [33] (Ministry of Health Welfare and Sport 2012).
  8. [34] (Ministry of Health. 2004).
  9. [35] (Health System Information Management and Investment Division. 2011).
  10. [36] (Andersson et al. 2000).
  11. [37] (Andersson et al. 2010).