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Table 3 List of variables used in case-mix algorithm

From: Development of a case-mix funding system for adults with combined vision and hearing loss


Type of measure

Source of variables

Items used to create variable

Cognitive Performance Scale

Summary scale

interRAI CHA

Short term memory, cognitive skills for decision making, eating, making self understood

Understands others

Single item

interRAI CHA

Ability to understand others (comprehension)

Adapted or manually coded language

Single item

Deafblind Supplement

Use of an adapted or manually coded language as a form of communication

Personal hygiene

Single item

interRAI CHA

Self performance in personal hygiene ADL

Transportation capacity

Single item

interRAI CHA

Self performance capacity in transportation instrumental ADL

Depression Rating Scale

Summary scale

interRAI CHA

Sum of frequency of: negative statements, persistent anger, unrealistic fears, repetitive health complaints, repetitive anxious complaints, tearfulness, sad/pained facial expression in last 3 days