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Table 2 Observational Data

From: A complex regional intervention to implement advance care planning in one town's nursing homes: Protocol of a controlled inter-regional study

Data source


n/h file (all participants)

hospital stays; death; evidence of advance care plan/advance directive, if given: further details

hospital file (if given)

mode and cause of hospitalization


length of stay in the hospital/in the intensive care unit


index surgical or medical interventions, including CPR, endotracheal ventilation (days), feeding tube insertion, endoscopy and CT/MRI imaging


evidence of advance care plan/AD: filed copy or note in discharge letter

file and last caregiver of deceased residents

place of dying


CPR before death


presence of an advance care plan (e.g., AD, POLST) before death


caregiver's evaluation of the amount of suffering before death and of the appropriateness of palliative care


advance directive or physician's note of therapy restriction