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Table 1 Sample characteristics of total sample and involuntary admitted patients

From: A cross-sectional prospective study of seclusion, restraint and involuntary medication in acute psychiatric wards: patient, staff and ward characteristics

Patient variables:

Total sample:

3462 (100%)

Involuntary adm:

1214 (35%)

Mean age (SD)

40 (SD = 15.5)

40 (SD = 16.7)

Sex (female/male) % in brackets

1710/1752 (49/50)

587/625 (48/52)

Norwegian background

3077 (89%)

1053 (88%)

Not Norwegian background

350 (10%)

144 (12%)

Not having own home

715 (21%)

305 (25%)

Previous contact with MH services

2572 (74%)

864 (72%)

GAFS at admission (mean, SD)a

36 (12)

31 (11)

GAFF at admission (mean, SD)a

38 (11)

34 (11)

F 20-29 diagnosis (ICD-10)

831 (24%)

460 (41%)

Health of the Nation Outcome Scales

mean (SD)

mean (SD)

HoNOS 1 (overactive & aggressive)b

.96 (1.23)

1.47 (1.37)

HoNOS 2 (self-injury & suicidal)

.96 (1.35)

.77 (1.30)

HoNOS 3 (drinking & drugs)

1.09 (1.45)

1.02 (1.45)

HoNOS 4 (cognitive problems)

.91 (1.13)

1.24 (1.29)

HoNOS 5 (physical illness & disability)

.67 (1.08)

.65 (1.07)

HoNOS 6 (hallucinations & delusions)

1.35 (1.44)

2.02 (1.47)

HoNOS 7 (depressed mood)

1.65 (1.23)

1.25 (1.26)

  1. a Global Assessment of Function, Scale from 0 to 100 with lower ratings for more severe problems
  2. bScale from 0 to 4 with higher ratings for more severe problems