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Table 1 Composite indices for measuring underlying constructs of the determinants of RHIS performance, 2004 and 2007.

From: Evaluation of the Performance of Routine Information System Management (PRISM) framework: evidence from Uganda

Composite Indicator


Cronbach's alpha




Self-efficacy scales

Perceived self-efficacy in analyzing data

I can calculate percentage/rate correctly

I can compute data by months or year



Perceived self-efficacy in interpreting data

I can compute trend from bar chart

I can compare data from bar chart



Perceived self-efficacy in using information

I can use data for identifying gaps

I can use data for planning future actions

I can use data for monitoring change in indicators

I can use data for advocacy



Overall perceived self-efficacy

I can fill out the facility monthly report correctly

I can check data accuracy

I can calculate percentage/rate correctly

I can plot data by months or year

I can compute trend from bar chart

I can use data for identifying gaps

I can find discrepancy in registers and reporting forms

I can compare data from bar chart

I can use data for planning future actions

I can use data for monitoring change in indicators

I can use data for advocacy



Culture of information scales

Promotion of use of RHIS information

Health department encourages staff to use data to monitor changes in health service indicators

Health department encourages staff to use data monitor changes in health service indicators

Health department encourages staff to use data for developing future action plans

Health department encourages staff to use data for community actions



Promotion of evidence-based decision-making

Health department encourages staff/managers to check evidence before making decisions

Health department makes staff accountable for their decisions and actions



Promotion of rewards for better performance

Health department encourages supervisors to reward good work

Health department makes staff feel important by recognizing their work



Overall promotion of a culture of information

Health department encourages staff to check data quality

Health department encourages staff/managers to check evidence before making decisions

Health department inculcates value in staff that their efforts could change things for better

Health department makes staff accountable for their decisions and actions

Health department encourages supervisors to reward good work

Health department makes staff feel important by recognizing their work

Health department encourages staff to use data to monitor changes in health service indicators

Health department encourages staff to use data monitor changes in health service indicators

Health department encourages staff to use data for developing future action plans

Health department encourages staff to use data for community actions



Expanded culture of information scales

Promotion of evidence-based decision-making

Personal liking

Superior's directives


Political interference

Strategic objectives

Community health needs

Considering costs

Considering all alternatives and their consequences

RHIS data



Promotion of use of RHIS information

Use RHIS data for setting targets and monitoring

Feel that data collection is an important activity

Rely on data for planning and monitoring set target

Facilities are directed to display data for monitoring their set target

Put a lot of efforts on RHIS activities



Promotion of feedback

Seek feedback from concerned persons

Discuss conflicts openly to resolve them

Seek feedback from concerned community



Promotion of problem-solving

Can gather data to find the root cause(s) of the problem

Can develop appropriate criteria for selecting intervention for a given problem

Can develop appropriate outcomes of a particular intervention

Can evaluate whether the targets/outcomes have been achieved



Promotion of a sense of responsibility

Perform duties honestly

Are punctual

Help each other in serving the patients/communities

Feel committed in improving health status of the target population

Live on their earned money (do not take bribes)

Set appropriate and doable targets for their performance

Are told that their efforts make a difference in improving population health status

Usually document what they do

Always tell the truth



Promotion of accountability/empowerment

Are empowered to make decisions

Are made accountable for poor performance

Feel guilty for not accomplishing the set/target performance



Overall perceived culture of information

All of the above



Motivation scale

Collecting information not used for decision making discourages me

Collecting information makes me feel bored

Collecting information is a meaningful work for me

Collecting information gives me the feeling that data is needed for monitoring facility performance

Collecting information gives me the feeling that it is forced on me

Collecting information is appreciated by co-workers and superiors

Collecting information provides me the feeling that you have all the information to serve better your catchment area

Collecting information causes me to feel that you are wasting time



Respondents, n




Facilities, n




  1. *Likert scale responses consisted of seven codes (1-7) from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". For questions that were framed as a negative, the scale was reversed to ensure consistency with other questions included in the composite indicator.
  2. Note: Because of missing data, the sample sizes for the indicators differ slightly.