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Table 1 Characteristics in literature to differentiate between types of focused factories

From: Exploring types of focused factories in hospital care: a multiple case study

Product characteristics

Process characteristics

Product variety [6, 11]:

The number and volumes of products or parts produced in the manufacturing system (product life cycle: evolving from low-volume one of a kind products towards high volume standardized products)

Customer intimacy [10]:

The degree to which the customer interacts with the service, combined with the degree to which the service is customized for the consumer

Customer influence [40]:

The degree to which the customer influences the service by his presence, participation or interaction with the system

Customization [40, 41]:

The degree of customization (discretion) allowed for in the service delivery system

Uniqueness of services [42]:

The degree of discretion, freedom, and decision making power in selecting their service combined with the degree of repeatability of the service

Volume of customers [41]:

The number of customers processed per business unit per period

Process variety [6, 11]:

The number of technologies used in the manufacturing system (process life cycle: evolving from job-shop flexible systems towards continuous standardized systems)

Labor intensity [10]:

The ratio of labor costs incurred to the value of the plant and equipment

Number of routes in the delivery system [42]

The number of unique pathways (routes) customers can take as they move through the service system during delivery of the service.